A couple of years ago Treeplast was developed in co-operation with several partners in Austria, Germany and the Netherlands. A 100% natural, renewable material was set up for use with injection moulding machines. The main ingredient was -you could guess it- wood. After a long testing period and many new recipies we decided that it was time to produce real products in Treeplast.
That was easier said then done, because a new bio-based material has a lot of challenges. Replacing plastic products was not the way to go: these products are optimized for a specific plastic material and the mechanical properties of plastics are not so bad compared to bio-based materials. So we were looking for new products that could fullfil functions that would give the Treeplast material an advantage above the traditional plastic or other materials.
One of the first demonstration products we made was a golftee ( bio- degradable) and a Skipstone. They were ment as demo, so no real product with an added value other than bio-degradable. For more durable products the group deeloped a special screw for a straw building in Austria.
Today we are able to do a local production of the material and the production of the products. The material has reached a nice standard for processing in normal injection moulding machines and with the right combinations of several blenda we can almost produce any product.
Nowadays it is also a challenge to bring a new product to the market in bio-based material. Not only are there many compatitors in plastic wood materials, but seeing is believing goes for all new products and materials.
So we are equiped with high level CAD programms and 3D printing in bio-based (PLA). Also our partners are known for their mould making and injection moulding. Not in China or India, but in Europe.